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acrobatic trio


I would like to introduce you circus arists from Ukraine , acrobatic trio Essence . All of girls started their carrier in professinal acro sport and since 2010 have been performing worldwide, in some of the most unique shows and productions, here are some of the shows we have worked with. Festivals Silver award - International Circus Festival Nikulin, Russia. Silver award - Festival Circo di Latina, Italy. Bronze award - International Circus Festival of Izhevsk, Russia. Dinner show and productions. Palazzo Dinner Show - Manheim Germany. Europa Park - Germany. Ohlala - Paris France. Productores de Sonrisas - Peru and Spain. Wintergarten Variete - Germany. The big screen. Dumbo the Disney movie


Essence, Ukraine


I would like to introduce you circus arists from Ukraine , acrobatic trio Essence . All of girls started their carrier in professinal acro sport and since 2010 have been performing worldwide, in some of the most unique shows and productions, here are some of the shows we have worked with. Festivals Silver award - International Circus Festival Nikulin, Russia. Silver award - Festival Circo di Latina, Italy. Bronze award - International Circus Festival of Izhevsk, Russia. Dinner show and productions. Palazzo Dinner Show - Manheim Germany. Europa Park - Germany. Ohlala - Paris France. Productores de Sonrisas - Peru and Spain. Wintergarten Variete - Germany. The big screen. Dumbo the Disney movie

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