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Alex Michael Trapeze


Alex Michael drew inspiration from his myth, his father Neneu Michael, whom he saw performing in major circuses when he was just a child. Hence the dream of being able to learn this dangerous aerial number! A dangerous art, which requires a lot of training and physical and above all mental preparation. Alex debuted this number at the age of 19. His family members are acrobats of lineage and Alex, together with his 2 brothers, has won prestigious awards including the silver clown at the "Flyng Michael's" Monte Carlo Festival. Today he carries on the tradition of his family alone, with courage and skill, performing in the best circuses in the world, and winning prestigious prizes, in the most prestigious festivals, he participated again alone in the Montecarlo International Circus Festival in 2017, winning the prize of the jury is the Moira Orfei special prize. Performing at extreme heights for humans without any protection! Alex Michael is one of the few in the world to still perform this very dangerous and ancient aerial number.


Alex Michael, Italia

Alex Michael

Alex Michael drew inspiration from his idol, his father, whom he performed in such amazing circuses as the "Circus Stancowich" or that of "Orlando Orfei" when he was just a baby. When he came of age he asked, as a birthday gift, you can learn the art of his father di lui. A dangerous art that requires much training and physical and especially mental preparation. The members of his family lineage of acrobats and Alex, along with his brothers di lui, has won prestigious awards including the Silver Clown at the Monte Carlo Festival "Flyng Michael's." And also he did Montecarlo in 2017 with his act di lui, he won a special price from jury and special price from Stefano Nones, Moira Orfei. Now it carries itself, with courage and skill to the tradition of his family di lui, performing in the best European circuses, reaching extreme heights to humans without any protection! Alex is one of the few in the world to still run this dangerous number.

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