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Avital and Jochen


Technical skill, mutual trust and the rapport between the two performers produce a stunningly atmospheric performance on the dynamic swinging trapeze. Never before seen tricks and stunning ambience!


Avital and Jochen, Germany

Avital and Jochen

News and Shows Avital and Jochen Pöschko are partners in life as well as in their work. They have three children: Ma’ayan, Noah and Ronja Sharon. Jochen, from Germany and Avital, who is Anglo-Israeli, started their working life together at “Circomedia” in Bristol, UK under the tuition of Mike Wright and subsequently at “École Leotard” in Montréal, under the guidance of Victor Fomine. Avital and Jochen started to concentrate on aerial acrobatics, and began working as a duo in 2010 on the swinging trapeze, whilst also adding the use of aerial straps. Technical skill, mutual trust and the rapport between the two performers produce a stunningly atmospheric performance. Their Swinging act debut in 2014 at # Festival Du Cirque De Demain in Paris won the silver medal.

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