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Duo Des Articulés


This act, with the music En deux mots by Yves Jamait, has for main suject the feelings between the both characters. It begins with an embrace, broken by a forced distance. The lover catch up with his beloved on the edge of the void, thus the scene becomes the scene of a dance between the two lovers. Each figure is the occasion for a new encounter, an embrace, a look … An eternal restart, a race that will end in a final embrace, the paroxysm of their love. A specific contortion table give to their act a unique visual. Each artists of the duo has his own act : a contortion act for Marine and a handstand act for Nestor. http://nestor-contorsionniste.fr/ https://www.marine-contorsion.com/


Duo Des Articulés, Paris

Duo Des Articulés

The duo between Marine Buridant and Alexandre Astruc (alias Nestor) formed early 2018. Together they able to propose the following various acts : a contortion duo, aerial silk act, and handstand canes act; plus their own solo contortion act. Thus they able to perform during an evening three different times composed of one or two acts often followed by parade moments (handstand on furnitures, front and back walkover…among the public). Their recent trip to Ukraine allowed them to improve and to learn new figures which they incorporated into their new act specially designed for their contortion table. They participated at their first international festival : International Salieri Circus Awards in 2021. https://www.marine-contorsion.com/ http://nestor-contorsionniste.fr/

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