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Duo Hoop - DuoCelestialStorme


Ella Storme and Vanessa Celestina Sweekhorst met first in 2019. Being guided together by their unique physical symmetry combining elegant strength with impressively long lines, Duo CelestialStorme was born. With dynamic synergy they create a celestial Storm in the air – a powerful and feminine aerial hoop act with graceful contortion, death defying partnering and high speed spinning.


Duo CelestialStorme, München

Duo CelestialStorme

We are Ella and Vanessa, a new german-american aerial hoop Duo founded in december 2019. After getting in contact online, both looking for a new partner to work in Duo and Skyping only once, we both had the feeling of an instant connection. We decided to go for a “Circus blind date” for an aerial working partnership. Vanessa immedeately booked her ticket from Germany to Las Vegas and flew over to Ella only couple of weeks after the skype meeting. After four weeks of working together, we could release our debut act, just on time right before entertainment industry was closing down due to covid restrictions. That’s why our first big premiere as a Duo happened only half a year later, for the video recording of Germany’s Supertalent where we finished as Semi-Finalists. We were guided together by our unique physical symmetry (both being 1,79m tall). This gives us a captivating stage presence in the air and enables us to create totally unusual images and shapes using our long limbs in perfect synchrony, being almost one yet different and complimentary the next moment. With dynamic synergy we create a celestial Storm in the air – a sensual, feminine, powerful aerial hoop act with graceful contortion, death defying partnering and high speed spinning.

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