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Miss Kerleankoff ☆_aerealhoop_☆


My number is about a great and intense love. I mix contemporary dance with technical elements of the circus, always maintaining the senxuality and feminism of women; forming a very attractive atmosphere for the eye of the beholder.


Miss Kerleankoff, aiculsandmd@gmail.com

Miss Kerleankoff

At the beginning of 2018 I decided to start putting together my own circus number. I chose the air ring because it is a number where I can demonstrate technical skills without losing the sensuality and feminism of women, I also merge contemporary dance with circus art, forming a very attractive atmosphere for the eye of the beholder. In this artistic manifestation I am very comfortable because I feel free to do what my imagination creates. I put a lot of dedication and passion into everything I do, since there is no valuable art without passion, hence the meaning of my artistic name: "Kerleankoff" (passion for art).

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