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Exciting Artistic Circus & Theater Show, lasting 54 minutes full of Magic, Strength and Dexterity. 9 artists on stage merging aerial acrobatics and circus techniques, with Theater and Dance; telling the story of Tertulio, the central character of the play, who is in his inner search after observing scenes of daily life that lead him to wonder: WHAT HAPPENED? For shows and more information contact us: ssanner.ent@gmail.com Fuerzavolante@gmail.com +57 (318) 447-8835 +507 6466 3514


Mellas t / fuerzavolante, Cali Colombia

Mellas t / fuerzavolante

Exciting Artistic Circus & Theater Show, lasting 54 minutes full of Magic, Strength and Dexterity. 9 artists on stage merging aerial acrobatics and circus techniques, with Theater and Dance; telling the story of Tertulio, the central character of the play, who is in his inner search after observing scenes of daily life that lead him to wonder: WHAT HAPPENED? For shows and more information contact us: ssanner.ent@gmail.com Fuerzavolante@gmail.com +57 (318) 447-8835 +507 6466 3514 +507 6676 9760

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