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Our performance focuses on mutual equality where there is no set roles. Our work promotes woman empowerment as we want to further ourselves from the idea of the man having to be the strong base the woman having to be the flexible flyee. Instead, we want to create physical artistic movement where the base and the flyer constantly change and support each other throughout the piece. Our performance is more than 5 minutes long, so please check our website under ACT to view the full act: https://rollmeknot.wixsite.com/duorope



With a background in dance, Gaia Santuccio studied mime at Moveo – Physical Theatre and Corporeal Mime Centre in Barcelona and contemporary circus at Circomedia in Bristol (2010 - 2012). Gaia and Georgina met in 2013 at the National Centre For Circus Arts, London, where they both graduated, Gaia specialising in corde lisse and Georgina in static cloud. Georgina continued her training and completed the professional program at Gravity Circus Centre, London, in 2017 where she focused on corde lisse. In 2018 they reconnected in Budapest (Hungary) where they began their collaboration under the name “Rollmeknot” prioritising duo aerial rope movement as their main focus and research. Together they have created a duo act exploring identity and connection as well as devised a number of workshops covering creative exploration and technique. Together, they perform and teach internationally.

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