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AMIT KENIG UPGRADED „INSANELY FAST PERFORMER IN A FUTURISTIC SHOW“ Collaboration of Amit Kenig with Pyroterra Lighttoys resulted in a high-tech one-man show called “UPGRADED”. The combination of innovative digital effects with the specific staff manipulation and speed only Amit possesses takes place in an smaller dimensions are a subject of discussion iconic LED installation. SHOW INCLUDES: • duration of the act: 7 minutes • world-renowned artist Amit Kenig in advanced digital LED-light costume • displaying one or multiple logos, custom texts, and other graphics (photos and images) during the show BASIC TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: • stage 8x5m (width x length), height floor-to-ceiling 5m, • full blackout is not required, yet preferred Includes originally composed music just for this show.


Amit Kenig, Israel\Czech Republic

Amit Kenig

Hailing from the small city of Hadera, Israel, Amit Kenig fell in love with juggling when he was 13 years old. His passion led him to pioneer staff juggling with his personally crafted tricks. After 5 years of performing in Israel Amit expanded his repertoire and trained professionally fin the circus schools in "Le Lido Toulouse", France. After graduating Amit worked in Montreal, Canada with the circus company Cirque Eloize in their show “Monaco”. Since then, he has performed and taught in over 15 countries. During covid19 Amit collaborated with the known company from Prague, Czech Republic "Pyroterra" and created its new act "Upgraded" using their most advance visual light effects. Amit Kenig’s masterful skills in staff juggling have made him one of the best staff juggling artists in the world.

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