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Come with me

Apr 15, 2021

Let yourself believe what you see.


Carlos Aller, Berlin

Carlos Aller

Carlos is a young, vital and powerful Spanish dancer currently living in Berlin. His first contact with the dance world was back in 2005. Carlos started to dance Breakdance in the streets of Valladolid (Spain). He grew up and travelled around Spain to participate in competitions. With the time he discovered that it was not only a hobby, he needed that to be alive. After living in many cities in Spain, giving and participating in workshops, Carlos decided to live in Berlin, where he could explore several kinds of dance and show his skills. During his period in Berlin, Carlos met some other dancers/artists and discovered contemporary dance. He started to dance other dance styles like Gaga, Ballet and Contact Improvisation. After some months he decided to do the Dance Intensive Program at Tanzfabrik, where he developed his style, learned different techniques and discovered new ways of expression. During this year in Tanzfabrik, Carlos, together with other dancers formed a dance company named “Frantics Dance Company” (, which is his motivation nowadays. Carlos has been working also with Theater Strahl (Berlin), De Dansers (Holland) and choreographers such as Lorca Renoux, Mikołaj Mikołajczyk, Wies Merkx, Juan Tirado, Ira Demina and Efrat Stempler.

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