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Trio Golden Boys

Jun 22, 2021

Hello dear! My name is afework, and I'm circus artist. Proud to present my circus team Golden Boys Trio Hand To Hand Balance Act with the best mulitple Rolla Rolla,Club Jugling, Aerial Strap and Duo Balance Act's. I want to mention that we participate in France 15 festival international du cirque Auvergne Rhone-Alpes. we have been on cruise ship at Msc Orchestra  last full season ( Mediterranean and  South African ), before the ship stopped due to Corona Virus.


Trio Golden Boyes, Addis Ababa

Hello dear! My name is Rabin, and I'm circus artist. Proud to present my circus team Golden Boys Trio Hand To Hand Balance Act with the best mulitple Rolla Rolla,Club Jugling, Aerial Strap and Duo Balance Act's. I want to mention that we participate in France 15 festival international du cirque Auvergne Rhone-Alpes. we have been on cruise ship at Msc Orchestra  last full season ( Mediterranean and  South African ), before the ship stopped due to Corona Virus. please check our vedio links Photos and CV,  that we performed on cruise ship. And If you have any questions please dont hesitate you can ask me anytime. Trio Hand To Hand Balance Act Trio balance promo vedio in France 15 festival international du cirque Auvergne Rhone-Alpes Rolla Rolla Act Duo Hand To Hand Balance Act Aerial Strap Act Trio Club Juggling Best Regards Golden Boys Afework getachew WhatsApp +251912633068

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