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Something wrong?

If you are of the opinion that your rights (e.g. personal rights/rights to one's own image, copyrights and related right, trademark rights and rights of commercial designations ("Kennzeichenrechte"), patent rights, design rights or utility model rights) are violated by any Content posted on the SHAREYOURSHOW websites, or if you would like to point out any other violations of the Terms due to inadmissible Content, please inform us immediately by e-mail to

For all reports of infringements and violations, please provide the following mandatory information:

• Name of the participant who posted the Content in question
• Link under which the relevant material can be found
• Description of the infringement / violation
• E-mail address and phone number

Incomplete reports cannot be processed. In case of unauthorized
reports, SANOSTRA reserves the right to assert further claims for
damages and/or other claims in connection with unauthorized reports.
Please confirm your vote:

I know and agree that, as a visitor to the #SHAREYOURSHOW-website, I may only vote once for each individual video post within 24 hours. Registered participants are excluded from voting for themselves.

By submitting my vote, I affirm that I will adhere to these guidelines. In particular, I will not violate these requirements though any technical circumvention measures.